"200" is the 200th overall episode of the American animated

tv-series South Park.


This causes an uproar because depictions of Muhammad are forbidden.
While on a school field trip to a candy factory, Butters spots actor Tom Cruise working there, packing fudge into boxes. Stan accidentally insults him by calling him a "fudge packer".
Cruise then recruits 200 other celebrities who have been mocked by residents of South Park in the past plan to file a class action lawsuit against the town.
But Cruise promises to end the lawsuit if the town can get the Islamic prophet Muhammad to meet him.
Muhammad was already openly featured in the Super BFF series, but then there was no reaction from the Muslims.
This episode became the subject of outrage for Muslim radicals, because the prophet Muhammad was shown in a bear costume.
The townsfolk fear that forcing Muhammad to appear in public will drive Muslim radicals to bomb the town.
The celebrities believe that machine to transfer Muhammad's "goo" will make them immune to ridicule, just like Muhammad.
Cartman with "Mitch Conner" want to steal Muhammad's goo for themselves to sell on the black market for more than the lawsuit could offer.
The Gingers want Muhammad for themselves, hoping to use his goo for their own means.


Their reactions mirrored the real-life reactions some of the celebrities had to their portrayals. If they could join forces, they probably would.

Trey Parker

While trying to decide how to celebrate the 200th episode, Parker and Stone started reviewing the plots and controversies of previous episodes, many of which had a common thread of mocking a particular celebrity. This led to the idea of the having all the celebrities band together in a class action lawsuit against the town.


Russell Crowe

Mel Gibson

Paris Hilton

Kanye West


Barbra Streisand as Mecha Streisand

Muhammad subplot

We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them.

Abu Talhah al Amrikee

The website for the organization Revolution Muslim, a New-York-based organization, posted an entry that included a warning to creators Parker and Stone that they risk retribution for their depictions of Muhammad.

The extreme measures the South Park boys go to in order to conceal Muhammad, like hiding him in a window-less truck and dressing him as a mascot, demonstrate the absurdity of the fear in showing the prophet.


The depiction of Buddha snorting cocaine in "200" and "201", prompted

to ban the entire series outright.

the government of Sri Lanka
Neither episode is available on the Dutch South Park Studios website.
The same applies to the German website as of May 9, 2010.
The Swedish affiliate of Comedy Central also refused to broadcast "200" and "201".
Comedy Central has decided not to air these two episodes of South Park to take these precautionary measures.

Executive producers

Trey Parker

matt Stone

The project was made for non-commercial use and educational purposes only.

All material are taken from open sources and belong to its' owners.

Design and development

Alexandra Vishnevskaya

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